Product Targeting


Sponsored Product v3.0 is not available for Sandbox endpoint


This documentation API 3.0

Endpoints available version 3.0






Listing product targets.



Creating product targets.



Creating product targets.



Deleting product targets.



Returns a list of category recommendations for the input list of ASINs.



Get number of targetable asins based on refinements provided by the user.



Returns all targetable categories.



Returns refinements according to category input.

class ad_api.api.sp.TargetsV3(account='default', marketplace: Marketplaces = Marketplaces.EU, credentials=None, proxies=None, verify=True, timeout=None, debug=False, access_token=None)
list_product_targets(self, version: int = 3, **kwargs) ApiResponse:

Listing product targets.

Request Body (optional)



create_product_targets(self, version: int = 3, prefer: bool = False, **kwargs) ApiResponse:

Creating product targets.

Request Body (required)
campaignId’: string, {‘description’: ‘The number or recommendations returned in a single page.’}
adGroupId’: string, {‘description’: ‘The page number in the result set to return.’}
expression’ | ‘value’: string, {‘description’: ‘The expression value.’} | ‘type’: string, {‘description’: ‘[ queryBroadMatches, queryPhraseMatches, queryExactMatches, asinCategorySameAs, asinBrandSameAs, asinPriceLessThan, asinPriceBetween, asinPriceGreaterThan, asinReviewRatingLessThan, asinReviewRatingBetween, asinReviewRatingGreaterThan, asinSameAs, queryBroadRelMatches, queryHighRelMatches, asinSubstituteRelated, asinAccessoryRelated, asinAgeRangeSameAs, asinGenreSameAs, asinIsPrimeShippingEligible ]’}
state’: string, {‘description’: ‘The current resource state.’ , ‘Enum’: ‘[ enabled, paused, archived ]’}
expressionType’: string, {‘description’: ‘[ auto, manual ]’}
bid’: float, {‘description’: ‘The bid for ads sourced using the target. Min / Max 0.02 / 1000’}


edit_product_targets(self, version: int = 3, prefer: bool = False, **kwargs) ApiResponse:

Updating product targets.

Request Body (required)
targetId’: string, (required) {‘description’: ‘The identifer of the campaign to which the keyword is associated.’}
state’: string, {‘description’: ‘The current resource state.’ , ‘Enum’: ‘[ enabled, paused, archived ]’}
bid’: float {‘description’: ‘Bid associated with this keyword. Applicable to biddable match types only.’}
value’: string, The expression value.
type’: string, The type of nagative targeting expression. You can only specify values for the following predicates: Enum : [ASIN_BRAND_SAME_AS, ASIN_SAME_AS]
expressionType’ Enum : [AUTO, MANUAL]


delete_product_targets(self, version: int = 3, **kwargs) ApiResponse:

Deleting product targets

Request Body (required)
targetIdFilter {} : Filter product targets by the list of objectIds include [string] : list of productTargetIds as String to be used as filter. MinItems : 0, MaxItems :1000


list_products_targets_categories_recommendations(self, version: int = 3, prefer: bool = False, **kwargs) ApiResponse:

Returns a list of category recommendations for the input list of ASINs. Use this API to discover relevant categories to target. To find ASINs, either use the Product Metadata API or browse the Amazon Retail Website.

header Prefer:string | Used to indicate the behavior preferred by the client but is not required for successful completion of the request. Supported values will be updated in the future.

body: | REQUIRED {‘description’: ‘An array of asins objects.}’

asins’: list>*string*, {‘description’: ‘List of input ASINs. This API does not check if the ASINs are valid ASINs. maxItems: 10000.’}
includeAncestor’: boolean, {‘description’: ‘Enable this if you would like to retrieve categories which are ancestor nodes of the original recommended categories. This may increase the number of categories returned, but decrease the relevancy of those categories.’}



get_products_targets_count(self, version: int = 3, prefer: bool = False, **kwargs) ApiResponse:

Get number of targetable asins based on refinements provided by the user. Please use the GetTargetableCategories API or the GetCategoryRecommendationsForASINs API to retrieve the category ID. Please use the GetRefinementsByCategory API to retrieve refinements data for a category.

header Prefer:string | Used to indicate the behavior preferred by the client but is not required for successful completion of the request. Supported values will be updated in the future.



list_targets_categories(self, prefer: bool = False, **kwargs) ApiResponse:

Returns all targetable categories. This API returns a large JSON string containing a tree of category nodes. Each category node has the fields - category id, category name, and child categories.

header Prefer:string | Used to indicate the behavior preferred by the client but is not required for successful completion of the request. Supported values will be updated in the future.



list_products_targets_category_refinements(self, categoryId, prefer: bool = False, **kwargs) ApiResponse:

Get a targeting clause specified by identifier.

path categoryId:string | Required. The target identifier.
header Prefer:string | Used to indicate the behavior preferred by the client but is not required for successful completion of the request. Supported values will be updated in the future.

