Product Ads

Deprecated since version 4.0.2.


There is a new version 3 of Sponsored Product API, please check the `migration guide`_.

class ad_api.api.sp.ProductAds(account='default', marketplace: Marketplaces = Marketplaces.EU, credentials=None, proxies=None, verify=True, timeout=None, debug=False, access_token=None)
create_product_ads(self, \*\*kwargs) ApiResponse

Creates one or more product ads.

body: | REQUIRED {‘description’: ‘A list of product ads for creation. Note that the SKU field is used by sellers and the ASIN field is used by vendors.’}

campaignId’: number, {‘description’: ‘The campaign identifier.’}
adGroupId’: number, {‘description’: ‘The ad group identifier.’}
sku’: string, {‘description’: ‘The SKU associated with the product. Defined for seller accounts only.’}
asin’: string, {‘description’: ‘The ASIN associated with the product. Defined for vendors only.’}
state’: string, {‘description’: ‘The current resource state.’, ‘Enum’: ‘[ enabled, paused, archived ]’}



delete_product_ad(self, adId, \*\*kwargs) ApiResponse

Sets the state of a specified product ad to archived. Note that once the state is set to archived it cannot be changed.

path adId:number | Required. A product ad identifier.



edit_product_ads(self, \*\*kwargs) ApiResponse

Updates one or more product ads specified by identifier.

body: | REQUIRED {‘description’: ‘A list of product ad objects with updated values for the state field.}’

adId’: number, {‘description’: ‘The identifier of an existing campaign to update.’}
state’: string, {‘description’: ‘The current resource state.’, ‘Enum’: ‘[ enabled, paused, archived ]’}




get_product_ad_request(self, adId, **kwargs) -> ApiResponse

Gets a product ad specified by identifier.

path adId:number | Required. A product ad identifier.



get_product_ad_extended(self, adId, **kwargs) ApiResponse

Gets extended data for a product ad specified by identifier.

path adId:number | Required. A product ad identifier.



list_product_ads(self, \*\*kwargs) ApiResponse

Gets an array of campaigns.

query startIndex:integer | Optional. 0-indexed record offset for the result set. Default value : 0

query count:integer | Optional. Number of records to include in the paged response. Defaults to max page size.

query stateFilter:string | Optional. The returned array is filtered to include only ad groups with state set to one of the values in the specified comma-delimited list. Available values : enabled, paused, archived, enabled, paused, enabled, archived, paused, archived, enabled, paused, archived Default value : enabled, paused, archived.

query campaignIdFilter:string | Optional. A comma-delimited list of campaign identifiers.

query adGroupIdFilter:string | Optional. Restricts results to keywords associated with ad groups specified by identifier in the comma-delimited list.

query adIdFilter:string | Optional. Restricts results to product ads associated with the product ad identifiers specified in the comma-delimited list.




list_product_ads_extended_request(self, **kwargs) -> ApiResponse

Gets extended data for a list of product ads filtered by specified criteria.

query startIndex:integer | Optional. 0-indexed record offset for the result set. Default value : 0

query count:integer | Optional. Number of records to include in the paged response. Defaults to max page size.

query stateFilter:string | Optional. The returned array is filtered to include only ad groups with state set to one of the values in the specified comma-delimited list. Available values : enabled, paused, archived, enabled, paused, enabled, archived, paused, archived, enabled, paused, archived Default value : enabled, paused, archived.

query campaignIdFilter:string | Optional. A comma-delimited list of campaign identifiers.

query adGroupIdFilter:string | Optional. Restricts results to keywords associated with ad groups specified by identifier in the comma-delimited list.

query adIdFilter:string | Optional. Restricts results to product ads associated with the product ad identifiers specified in the comma-delimited list.



Campaigns explanation goes here.