Ad Groups

class'default', marketplace: Marketplaces = Marketplaces.EU, credentials=None, proxies=None, verify=True, timeout=None, debug=False, access_token=None)

Version 4 of Sponsored Brands

create_ad_groups(self, version: int = 4, **kwargs) ApiResponse:

Creates Sponsored Brand Ad Group.

Request Body | campaignId (string) : The identifier of the campaign to which the keyword is associated. | name (string) : The name of the ad group. | state (CreateOrUpdateEntityState > string) : Entity state for create or update operation. Enum : [ENABLED, PAUSED]



update_ad_groups(self, version: int = 4, **kwargs) ApiResponse:

Update Sponsored Brand Ad groups.

Request Body

campaignId (string) : The identifier of the campaign to which the keyword is associated. [optional]
name (string) : The name of the ad group. [optional]
state (CreateOrUpdateEntityState > string) : Entity state for create or update operation. Enum : [ENABLED, PAUSED]


list_ad_groups(self, version: int = 4, **kwargs) ApiResponse:

List Sponsored Brand Ad groups.

Request Body (optional) | campaignIdFilter (dict) : Filter entities by the list of objectIds. | stateFilter (dict) : Filter entities by state. | maxResults (int) : Number of records to include in the paginated response. Defaults to max page size for given API. | nextToken (string) : Token value allowing to navigate to the next response page. | adGroupIdFilter (dict) : Filter entities by the list of objectIds. | includeExtendedDataFields (boolean) Setting to true will slow down performance because the API needs to retrieve extra information for each campaign. | nameFilter (dict) : Filter entities by name.

delete_ad_groups(self, version: int = 4, **kwargs) ApiResponse:

Delete Sponsored Brands ad groups.

Request Body (optional) :
adGroupIdFilter (dict)Filter entities by the list of objectIds. [optional]

include (list) : Entity object identifier.

