Ad Groups

class ad_api.api.sp.AdGroupsV3(account='default', marketplace: Marketplaces = Marketplaces.EU, credentials=None, proxies=None, verify=True, timeout=None, debug=False, access_token=None)

Version 3 of Sponsored Products API


This replaces the version 2 of Ad Groups

create_ad_groups(*args, **kwargs)

Creates one or more ad groups.

Request body: (required) An array of ad groups
name (string) : A name for the ad group
campaignId: (string) : An existing campaign to which the ad group is associated.
defaultBid: (float) A bid value for use when no bid is specified for keywords in the ad group
state: string A name for the ad group, Enum: [ enabled, paused, archived ]


edit_ad_groups(*args, **kwargs)

Creates one or more ad groups.

Request body: (required) An array of ad groups
name (string) : A name for the ad group
adGroupId (string) : The identifier of the ad group.
defaultBid: (float) A bid value for use when no bid is specified for keywords in the ad group
state: string A name for the ad group, Enum: [ enabled, paused, archived ]


delete_ad_groups(*args, **kwargs)

Deletes Sponsored Products ad groups by changing it’s state to “ARCHIVED”.

Request body (required)
adGroupIdFilter (ObjectIdFilter): The identifier of an existing ad group. [required] | include (list>str): Entity object identifier. [required] minItems: 0 maxItems: 1000


list_ad_groups(*args, **kwargs)

Lists Sponsored Products campaigns.

Request Body (optional)Include the body for specific filtering, or leave empty to get all ad groups.
state_filter (State): The returned array is filtered to include only campaigns with state set to one of the values in the specified comma-delimited list. Defaults to enabled and paused. Note that Campaigns rejected during moderation have state set to archived. Available values : enabled, paused, archived[optional]
nameFilter (str): The returned array includes only campaigns with the specified name.. [optional] | queryTermMatchType (MatchType > string) Enum : [ BROAD_MATCH, EXACT_MATCH ]
portfolio_id_filter (str): The returned array includes only campaigns associated with Portfolio identifiers matching those specified in the comma-delimited string.. [optional]
campaign_id_filter (str): The returned array includes only campaigns with identifiers matching those specified in the comma-delimited string.. [optional]
includeExtendedDataFields (boolean) Whether to get entity with extended data fields such as creationDate, lastUpdateDate, servingStatus [optional]
max_results (int) Number of records to include in the paginated response. Defaults to max page size for given API. Minimum 10 and a Maximum of 100 [optional]
next_token (string) Token value allowing to navigate to the next response page. [optional]
campaignTargetingTypeFilter (TargetingType > String) Enum : [ AUTO, MANUAL ]
