Campaign Negative Targeting Clauses


Sponsored Product v3 is not available for Sandbox endpoint


This API is version 3.0

class ad_api.api.sp.CampaignNegativeTargets(account='default', marketplace: Marketplaces = Marketplaces.EU, credentials=None, proxies=None, verify=True, timeout=None, debug=False, access_token=None)

Endpoints available






Deletes Campaign Negative Targeting Clauses



Create Campaign Negative Targeting Clauses



Updates Campaign Negative Targeting Clauses



List Campaign Negative Targeting Clauses

delete_campaign_negative_targets(self, version: int = 3, **kwargs) ApiResponse:

Deleting campaign negative targets.

Request Body (required)
SponsoredProductsDeleteSponsoredProductsCampaignNegativeTargetingClausesRequestContent {
campaignNegativeTargetIdFilter* SponsoredProductsObjectIdFilter {
Filter entities by the list of objectIds
include* (array) minItems: 0 maxItems: 1000 [
string entity object identifier


create_campaign_negative_targets(self, version: int = 3, prefer: bool = False, **kwargs) ApiResponse:

Create campaign negative targets.


header Prefer* (string). The “Prefer” header, as defined in [RFC7240], allows clients to request certain behavior from the service. The service ignores preference values that are either not supported or not known by the service. Either multiple Prefer headers are passed or single one with comma separated values, both forms are equivalent Supported preferences: return=representation - return the full object when doing create/update/delete operations instead of ids
Request Body (required)
SponsoredProductsCreateSponsoredProductsCampaignNegativeTargetingClausesRequestContent {
campaignNegativeTargetingClauses* SponsoredProductsCreateCampaignNegativeTargetingClause {
expression* (array) The NegativeTargeting expression. minItems: 0 maxItems: 1000 [
SponsoredProductsCreateOrUpdateNegativeTargetingExpressionPredicate {
type* (string) SponsoredProductsCreateOrUpdateNegativeTargetingExpressionPredicateType. The type of negative targeting expression. Enum: [‘ASIN_BRAND_SAME_AS’, ‘ASIN_SAME_AS’].
value (string): The expression value
campaignId* (string) The identifier of the campaign to which this target is associated.
state* (string) SponsoredProductsCreateOrUpdateEntityState. Entity state for create or update operation. Enum: [ ENABLED, PAUSED ]

Request Body (optional)



edit_negative_product_targets(self, version: int = 3, prefer: bool = False, **kwargs) ApiResponse:

Update campaign negative targets.


header Prefer* (string). The “Prefer” header, as defined in [RFC7240], allows clients to request certain behavior from the service. The service ignores preference values that are either not supported or not known by the service. Either multiple Prefer headers are passed or single one with comma separated values, both forms are equivalent Supported preferences: return=representation - return the full object when doing create/update/delete operations instead of ids
Request Body (required)
SponsoredProductsUpdateSponsoredProductsCampaignNegativeTargetingClausesRequestContent {
campaignNegativeTargetingClauses* SponsoredProductsUpdateCampaignNegativeTargetingClause {
expression* (array) The NegativeTargeting expression. minItems: 0 maxItems: 1000 [
SponsoredProductsCreateOrUpdateNegativeTargetingExpressionPredicate {
type* (string) SponsoredProductsCreateOrUpdateNegativeTargetingExpressionPredicateType. The type of negative targeting expression. Enum: [‘ASIN_BRAND_SAME_AS’, ‘ASIN_SAME_AS’].
value (string): The expression value
targetId* (string) The target identifier
state* (string) SponsoredProductsCreateOrUpdateEntityState. Entity state for create or update operation. Enum: [ ENABLED, PAUSED ]

Request Body (optional)



list_campaign_negative_targets(self, version: int = 3, **kwargs) ApiResponse:

List campaign negative targets.

Request Body (required)
SponsoredProductsListSponsoredProductsCampaignNegativeTargetingClausesRequestContent {
campaignIdFilter SponsoredProductsReducedObjectIdFilter {
Filter entities by the list of objectIds
include* (array) minItems: 0 maxItems: 100 [
string entity object identifier
campaignNegativeTargetIdFilter SponsoredProductsObjectIdFilter {
Filter entities by the list of objectIds
include* (array) minItems: 0 maxItems: 1000 [
string entity object identifier
stateFilter SponsoredProductsEntityStateFilter {
Filter entities by state
include* (array) minItems: 0 maxItems: 10 [
SponsoredProductsEntityState (string) The current resource state. Enum: [ ENABLED, PAUSED, ARCHIVED, ENABLING, USER_DELETED, OTHER ]
maxResults integer($int32) Number of records to include in the paginated response. Defaults to max page size for given API
nextToken (string) token value allowing to navigate to the next response page
asinFilter SponsoredProductsAsinFilter {
queryTermMatchType SponsoredProductsQueryTermMatchType (string): Match type for query filters. Enum: [ BROAD_MATCH, EXACT_MATCH ]
include (array) maxItems: 100 [
includeExtendedDataFields (boolean) Whether to get entity with extended data fields such as creationDate, lastUpdateDate, servingStatus

Request Body (optional)

