Negative targeting


Sponsored Display is not available for Sandbox endpoint

class'default', marketplace: Marketplaces = Marketplaces.EU, credentials=None, proxies=None, verify=True, timeout=None, debug=False, access_token=None)

Amazon Advertising API for Sponsored Display


This API enables programmatic access for campaign creation, management, and reporting for Sponsored Display campaigns. For more information on the functionality, see the Sponsored Display Support Center . For API onboarding information, see the account setup topic.

This specification is available for download from the Advertising API developer portal.

Endpoints available






Gets a list of negative targeting clauses.



Updates one or more negative targeting clauses.



Creates one or more negative targeting clauses.



Gets a negative targeting clause specified by identifier.



Sets the state of a negative targeting clause to archived.



Gets a list of negative targeting clause objects with extended fields.



Gets extended information for a negative targeting clause.

list_negative_targets(self, **kwargs) ApiResponse:

list_negative_targets(self, **kwargs) -> ApiResponse

Gets a list of negative targeting clauses filtered by specified criteria.

query startIndex:integer | Optional. 0-indexed record offset for the result set. Default value : 0
query count:integer | Optional. Number of records to include in the paged response. Defaults to max page size.
query stateFilter:string | Optional. The returned array is filtered to include only ad groups with state set to one of the values in the specified comma-delimited list. Available values : enabled, paused, archived, enabled, paused, enabled, archived, paused, archived, enabled, paused, archived Default value : enabled, paused, archived.
query campaignIdFilter:string | Optional. A comma-delimited list of campaign identifiers.
query adGroupIdFilter:string | Optional. Restricts results to keywords associated with ad groups specified by identifier in the comma-delimited list.
query targetIdFilter:string | Optional. A comma-delimited list of target identifiers. Missing in official Amazon documentation



edit_negative_targets(self, **kwargs) ApiResponse:

Updates one or more negative targeting clauses. Negative targeting clauses are identified using their targetId. The mutable field is state. Maximum length of the array is 100 objects.

body: | UpdateNegativeTargetingClause REQUIRED {‘description’: ‘A list of up to 100 negative targeting clauses. Note that the only mutable field is state.}’

state’: number, {‘description’: ‘The resource state. [ enabled, paused, archived ]’}
targetId*’: integer($int64), {‘description’: ‘The identifier of the TargetId.’}



create_negative_targets(self, **kwargs) ApiResponse:

create_products_targets(self, **kwargs) -> ApiResponse:

Creates one or more targeting expressions.

body: | REQUIRED {‘description’: ‘An array of asins objects.}’

state’: number, {‘description’: ‘The current resource state. [ enabled, paused, archived ]’}
adGroupId’: number, {‘description’: ‘The identifier of the ad group to which this negative target is associated.’}
type’: string, {‘description’: ‘The intent type. See the targeting topic in the Amazon Advertising support center for more information.’, ‘enum’: ‘[ asinSameAs, asinBrandSameAs ]’}
value’: string, {‘description’: ‘The value to be negatively targeted. Used only in manual expressions.’}
expressionType’: string, {‘description’: ‘[ auto, manual ]’}



get_negative_target(self, targetId, **kwargs) ApiResponse:

This call returns the minimal set of negative targeting clause fields, but is more efficient than getNegativeTargetsEx.

Get a negative targeting clause specified by identifier.

path negativeTargetId:integer | Required. The negative targeting clause identifier.



delete_negative_targets(self, targetId, **kwargs) ApiResponse:

Equivalent to using the updateNegativeTargetingClauses operation to set the state property of a targeting clause to archived. See Developer Notes for more information.

Archives a negative targeting clause.

path negativeTargetId:integer | Required. The negative targeting clause identifier.



list_negative_targets_extended(self, **kwargs) ApiResponse:

Gets an array of NegativeTargetingClauseEx objects for a set of requested negative targets. Note that this call returns the full set of negative targeting clause extended fields, but is less efficient than getNegativeTargets.

query startIndex:integer | Optional. 0-indexed record offset for the result set. Default value : 0
query count:integer | Optional. Number of records to include in the paged response. Defaults to max page size.
query stateFilter:string | Optional. The returned array is filtered to include only ad groups with state set to one of the values in the specified comma-delimited list. Available values : enabled, paused, archived, enabled, paused, enabled, archived, paused, archived, enabled, paused, archived Default value : enabled, paused, archived.
query campaignIdFilter:string | Optional. A comma-delimited list of campaign identifiers.
query adGroupIdFilter:string | Optional. Restricts results to keywords associated with ad groups specified by identifier in the comma-delimited list.
query targetIdFilter:string | Optional. A comma-delimited list of target identifiers. Missing in official Amazon documentation



get_negative_target_extended(self, targetId, **kwargs) ApiResponse:

Gets a negative targeting clause with extended fields. Note that this call returns the full set of negative targeting clause extended fields, but is less efficient than getNegativeTarget.

path negativeTargetId:integer | Required. The negative targeting clause identifier.

