
class ad_api.api.sp.CampaignsV3(account='default', marketplace: Marketplaces = Marketplaces.EU, credentials=None, proxies=None, verify=True, timeout=None, debug=False, access_token=None)

Amazon Ads API - Sponsored Products


This replaces the version 2 of Campaigns

create_campaigns(body: dict, str, list) ApiResponse
Request Body [Required]
name (string): [required] The name of the campaign. This name must be unique to the Amazon Advertising account to which the campaign is associated. Maximum length of the string is 128 characters.
state (State > string): [required] Enum: [ enabled, paused, archived ]
portfolio_id (int) [optional] The identifier of the portfolio to which the campaign is associated.
budget (float): [required] | budgetType (BudgetType > String) : Enum [DAILY] | budget (float) : The budget amount associated with the campaign.
targetingType (Targeting > string) : [required] Enum : [AUTO, MANUAL]
dynamicBidding ({}) [optional] | placementBidding (string) : You can enable controls to adjust your bid based on the placement location. Specify a location where you want to use bid controls. | strategy (BiddingStrategy > String) : Enum [LEGACY_FOR_SALES, AUTO_FOR_SALES, MANUAL, RULE_BASED]
startDate [optional] (string) : A starting date for the campaign to go live. The format of the date is YYYYMMDD.
endDate [optional] (string) : An ending date for the campaign to stop running. The format of the date is YYYYMMDD.
tags ({string}) : A list of advertiser-specified custom identifiers for the campaign.


edit_campaigns(body: dict, str, list) ApiResponse

Update existing Sponsored Product Campaigns.

Request Body [Required]
name (string): [optional] The name of the campaign. This name must be unique to the Amazon Advertising account to which the campaign is associated. Maximum length of the string is 128 characters.
state (State > string): [optional] Enum: [ enabled, paused, archived ]
portfolio_id (int) [optional] The identifier of the portfolio to which the campaign is associated.
budget (float): [required] | budgetType (BudgetType > String) : Enum [DAILY] | budget (float) : The budget amount associated with the campaign.
targetingType (Targeting > string) : [optional] Enum : [AUTO, MANUAL]
dynamicBidding ({}) [optional] | placementBidding (string) : You can enable controls to adjust your bid based on the placement location. Specify a location where you want to use bid controls. | strategy (BiddingStrategy > String) [required] : Enum [LEGACY_FOR_SALES, AUTO_FOR_SALES, MANUAL, RULE_BASED]
campaignId (string) : the entity object identifier
startDate [optional] (string) : A starting date for the campaign to go live. The format of the date is YYYYMMDD.
endDate [optional] (string) : An ending date for the campaign to stop running. The format of the date is YYYYMMDD.
tags ({string}) : A list of advertiser-specified custom identifiers for the campaign.


list_campaigns(body: dict, str, list) ApiResponse
Request Body (optional)Include the body for specific filtering, or leave empty to get all campaigns.
state_filter (State): The returned array is filtered to include only campaigns with state set to one of the values in the specified comma-delimited list. Defaults to enabled and paused. Note that Campaigns rejected during moderation have state set to archived. Available values : enabled, paused, archived[optional]
nameFilter (str): The returned array includes only campaigns with the specified name.. [optional] | queryTermMatchType (MatchType > string) Enum : [ BROAD_MATCH, EXACT_MATCH ]
portfolio_id_filter (str): The returned array includes only campaigns associated with Portfolio identifiers matching those specified in the comma-delimited string.. [optional]
campaign_id_filter (str): The returned array includes only campaigns with identifiers matching those specified in the comma-delimited string.. [optional]
ad_format_filter (AdFormat): The returned array includes only campaigns with ad format matching those specified in the comma-delimited adFormats. Returns all campaigns if not specified. Available values : productCollection, video[optional]
max_results (int) Number of records to include in the paginated response. Defaults to max page size for given API. Minimum 10 and a Maximum of 100 [optional]
next_token (string) Token value allowing to navigate to the next response page. [optional]
includeExtendedDataFields (boolean) Setting to true will slow down performance because the API needs to retrieve extra information for each campaign. [optional]


delete_campaigns(body: dict, str, list) ApiResponse

Deletes Sponsored Products campaigns.

Request body (required)
campaignIdFilter (ObjectIdFilter): The identifier of an existing campaign. [required] | include (list>str): Entity object identifier. [required] minItems: 0 maxItems: 1000
